April 30, 2011

And the winner is....

I'm so sorry my dear readers! I tried repeatedly to post this from my cell phone while on the DART and it would NEVER work. So I am VERY late and VERY sorry

The Giveaway Winner is.....

True Random Number Generator

Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Jennifer at

Congrats Jennifer!!! Email me your info at nerdymommablog@yahoo.com!

April 29, 2011

Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday everyone! I don’t know about your household but here in ours; we have been watching a TON of basketball and baseball. And it should go without saying that we’re Mavericks and Rangers fans. So today’s Friday Favorites are SPORTS inspired.

The most awesome sports item you could buy would be tickets! Duh! I love going to games. It’s so much fun. I will warn you though, I CHEER and

 I YELL. I’m totally into the game. I’ve probably embarrassed my b/f a time or two,especially at The STARS games.

I really hope Monkey plays a sport. I want to cheer him on and wear one of those cute sports mom t-shirts and make basketball shaped cakes.

Anyhow look at what I found this week!!

I can't wait to wear one of these!!! Tee Ball MOM Heart  Rhinestone TShirt - Several  Shirt Colors Available or Soccer MOM Rhinestone TShirt - Several  Shirt Colors Available
Cute huh?!

Find them here: Renees Random Tees

Look at these cute little soaps!

Baseball Cap Silicone Soap Mold ( Soap Republic )

Find them here: Soap Republic

Super cute things!!! I'm thinking Monkey's birthday party will be sports themed! Maybe!

Giveaway Ends Tonight!!!

Have you entered?!?! Hurry!!! Enter Now!!

April 25, 2011

I love giveaways!!

Ohhhhhhh! I love giveaways! Don't you? Do you know what I love more than entering a giveaway??
Any guesses? No?! Well you guys just don't know me at all then do you?!
Do you remember the lovely teal and grey handband I featured on Friday? Gray and Teal Flower Headband

It's creator Patricia Mueller has genersously given it to us!!!! Isn't she awesome?!!!
Here's how you enter the giveaway!
To Enter


  •  Become a follower of MY blog and leave a comment letting me know. If you are already a follower, just say you are. 
  • Go to Sew Whimsey and leave a comment telling me your favorite piece(besides the grey and teal one). 
  • Facebook the link for this give away and let me know you did!
  • Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about the giveaway!


 Thats 4 chances to enter!!! Good Luck!!!  The giveaway will end Friday April 29th at 11:00pm!

April 24, 2011

Look what I can do?!?!

I think I've figured out this signature business. I think it matches with out being "matchy matchy".

What do you guys think?


Happy Easter!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter!

Oh, remember the headband from Friday? Keep your eye out for it to appear again as a give away!!!

April 21, 2011

Love the Earth.

I'm not a very green person. I do try to re-use and reduce but I don't recycle.  I really believe

that if everyone continually does one good thing it can lead to big changes. I'm not an expert on being green so I just thought I would share some information I've come across.
10 Easy Ways to Go Green
  1. Unplug Things That Glow. If it has LED lights its using power even when off.
  2. Recycle Your Electronics. You can also donate old cell phones.
  3. Shop at the Farmers Market. Support LOCAL!!!
  4. Stop drinking from plastic water bottles. Get something re-usable
  5. Mow your lawn less and when you do leave the clippings! Save money by letting grass clippings remain on your lawn; it adds nitrogen to the soil and discourages weed seeds from germinating. You'll need less fertilizer and herbicide. Plus, leaving clippings on lawns means less in landfills; in 2005 Americans disposed of more than 12 million tons of yard waste.
  6. Buy appliances and other items with the Energy Star.
  7. Do full loads of laundry. Line dry if you can
  8. Carpool! If work is close enough to walk or bike, do that!
  9. Ditch Disposables. That means paper plates and the like. Diapers too! I plan on cloth diapering baby number 2.**Whenever that happens**
  10. Instead of buying books; go digital or go to the library. I love my kindle!

I'm posting this and Friday Favorites early because tomorrow I am unplugging my laptop and leaving it off all day in honor of Earth Day. I will also be do other things but every little bit counts.

Friday Favorites

I am obessed with the color grey lately. **Side note... is it G-R-A-Y or G-R-E-Y? I prefer spelling it with an "e" but maybe that's just me?!**

I was "window" shopping on etsy and found a ton of grey/gray things to fall in love with....

Charcoal Gray Infinity Scarf Cowl-  Extra Large Chunky Infinity Scarf "BOGO"  "Buy one get one 50% off lowest price" This makes me wish it was winter again! Isn't it lovely?  Find it here Jarvis Gift

OOOOhhhhh, This is simply gorgeous! I love teal and grey  Sew Whimsey  has some very pretty headbands for little ladies and us grown up ladies!
Gray and Teal Flower Headband

Ohmygosh! I love this too...  What a lovely bracelet! It is WAY out of my price range but ohmygosh! Everything in this shop is GORGEOUS.. Karen Sugarman Designs
Leila Bracelet - Amethyst, Pink Topaz, Rubellite Garnet and Pearls with Amethyst Stalactite Feature Bead

 I love the color grey. I love it with purples and I love it with yellow. When C and I get married my colors are grey and purple, light purple for spring and dark purple for winter/fall. What's your favorite grey combo?

Oh... whenever I do these Friday Favorite or I'm just browsing on etsy I find some of the FUNNIEST things. Tonight I found something super great.

What do you think? Awesome huh?
Zombie Vaccine funny coffee mug cozy handmade
 Because without my coffee I am a zombie!!!!

April 17, 2011


What does everyone think about the changes so far? I'm not sure about the current background. It seems too white. I finally figured out how to make and use a signature... I think...  I have a new header which I love!!! I also attempted the pages bar thing... and I can't figure out how to do anything more with it...

I need feedback people!


April 15, 2011

Friday Favorites?!

This week has been killer. I haven't had the time or energy to blog. Because of this I don't have my usual Friday favorites. So I'm going to go with something I can do off the top of my head and quickly.

Friday Favorites  5 Favorite Movies Friday

What are 5 of your favorite movies?

April 11, 2011

Shine Project.

I'm taking part in a weekly SHINE Challenges.

The Challenge I'm taking on is to give one sincere compilment to someone each day. That shouldn't be too hard but I think many of us just go through the day without thinking to do it.

April 10, 2011

Ch-ch-ch Changes.

Please excuse the chaos that will be my blog for the next for days or weeks. I'm trying to re-vamp it on my own. If I do something right or that looks good please let me know!!

Thanks! :)

April 8, 2011

Friday Favorites.. The Flower Edition

Like most girls/women I love flowers. I love giving them and recieving them as gifts. I love having them around to brighten up the room. My favorites are gerber daisies,tulips stargrazer lillies and poppies. I'm not big on roses and most women are all about them.  I found these beautiful items on etsy and just had to share with you.

Look at this necklace! I just love the colors! It's named "Cammie" and comes with free matching earrings! I know what I'm buying myself on payday! :)  Be sure to look at all the other gorgeous pieces from this shop. Cammie and Friends

How cute are these? So adorable and playful.
Hand and Nom

Look at this gorgeous bracelet. It's handmade and I want!!!!! 
Bangle Bracelet, sterling silver, nature jewelry, wildflower, twig, Forget Me Not standard size    By  stratus silver

And would you beleive I have a flower related blog!? Well, its a blog post about a flower craft. I love Mama Jill. She's adorable and her little boy is soooo cute!

Mama Jill's cuteness!

Hope everyone had a great Friday.

April 7, 2011

Bangle Revamp!

Do you have any old bangles laying around? Or did you spot a few wood  ones on clearance at Hobby Lobby like I did? Here's a quick project that could be right up your alley.

a bangle/bracelet
hot glue gun/ glue sticks

Here's what you do.

Glue the beginning of your ribbon to the INSIDE of the bracelet.
Wrap and Glue
Wrap and Glue
Warp and Glue

Keep wrapping and glueing until you've covered the bracelet.

Glue the end to the inside of the ribbon.

That's it! You're done. How cute and easy is that?!

Happy Crafting!

April 6, 2011

Easy Easter Egg Craft

I found this wonderful Easter Egg craft on Mom And Wife. It was super easy and I beleive it turned out VERY well. If I do say so myself.

Supplies Needed:

Straw or foam wreath ( I went with foam)

3 Big ‘ol bags of plastic eggs

Hot glue gun & glue

Easter basket grass that sparkles!

Here's what you do:

Just glue your eggs onto the wreath, alternating colors. Then use a pencil to push the grass into the gaps.

It's that easy. In fact, it was soo easy I made TWO. I made one larger one for my house and a smaller one for my classroom door.

I used some cute pastel ribbon to make a loop to hang it by. I'm pretty proud of this craft!

Let me know if any of you try it!

April 3, 2011

Social Sunday!

I have a love/hate relationship with Sunday.  It's still the weekend but I can't look at it that way. It's Pre-Monday. Sunday is the day I get ready for the week ahead. Sunday is full of laundry,housework and finishing any crafts I've started. Sometimes we'll do something fun like grocery shop.

How do you spend your Sundays? Is Sunday a day of rest and relaxation in your house? Church Day? Or do you spend it like me..manically trying to get everything done before you're tooooo busy?

Sunday is also " Let's Get Social Blog Hop" day!!

Lets Get Social Blog Hop


April 2, 2011

Fool's Day Follow-Up

Ok Dear Readers. Can you handle the truth?! :) No one correctly guessed the lie. I'm okay with that. I'm glad you guys think I've been engaged twice! :P  The lie was #3.

Now my guesses for your lies..

Melonie. Number 3 is the lie. :)

Pam. I'm going to guess  Number 3 for you as well. However, I almost said  number one.

Janette. Number 1 is your lie, I think.

Thanks for playing! :)

April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools Day people!

 For Aprils Fools Day here on the blog I thought it would be fun to play ” Two Truths and One Lie!”  I’ll tell you three things about me. Two of them will be true and one is a lie! Can you guess which one is not true?

1. I'm slighty OCD about numbers. I don't like odd numbers with the exception of the number 3.
2. I have 4 tattoos and have plans for more.
3. I have been engaged 2 times.

Ok! Take a guess! Which one is a lie? Make your guesses in the comments section! And I’ll tell you tomorrow if you were right!

And play along! Leave me two truths and a lie after your comment and I’ll guess along with the others so try to fish out your lie!

Cute purses on etsy!

Welcome back to the Friday Favorites! Today's Friday Favorites is inspired by Janette. She wrote a blog about her purse and I'm not willing to embarrass myself with the sad state of my purse. Instead, I'm going to show ya'll some purses and awesome purses related things.

Look what I found on Esty!

SALE...MAY... Everyday purse,Shoulder Bag,Fuchsia I LLLOOOOOVVVVEEEEEE the color of this one! How fun is that?!  You can find it and other really cute bags at sineminugur .

Look at this little cutie!
Pink Polka Dot Cotton Wristlet How darling is this?! This just screams spring to me. You can find it at Noonew

I HAVE to get this! It's so cute and I could use it daily! I <3 bow!
Black Mini Bag w/ Exterior Pocket and Adjustable StrapYou can find this baby at Peace Love and Polkadots.

Here are some awesome purse crafts I've found lately!

Over-sized Clutch

RE-styled Purse

If you haven't already guessed my favorite blog this week has been

I love this blog. Anne makes me wish I could sew or that I lived in Florida next door to her so I could con her into sewing for me!!!