February 13, 2011

They like me!! Oh, they really like me....

Awe.  I was awarded the Stylish Blog Award!

That really means a lot to me!  Thank you Janette! You are one awesome lady. Everyone should go read her blog!

*To accept this award, I have to…

1. Thank and link back the blogger who awarded me!

2. Share 8 things about myself

3. Award 8 more “Stylish Blogger’s” of my choice!

4. Contact the bloggers and inform them of the Award!

** 8 Things About Me **

1. Sometimes I can't beleive I'm an adult. I really feel like a kid.

2. I feel the need to change my hair about every 3 months. I don't always follow through on it.

3. I am seriously addicted to Ghiradelli Intense Dark Sea Salt Soiree. So Yummy.

4.  The song "Don't Take the Girl" by Tim McGraw ALWAYS makes me cry.

5 .Clowns creep me out sooooooo BAD.

6. I have mild OCD and dislike odd numbers except for the number 3.

7. I will not swim in a lake. It's gross.

8. I played World of Warcraft for about a year. I would probably still play if I wasn't a mommy.

** Now, I am awarding this to.....


A Craft A Day


Ok, so I picked this one for a Friday Favorite... but it's awesome..... Read it.

Life Buy The Beach Ok when I grow up I want to live on the beach and be just like Michelle on Life Buy The Beach. she's fab.. What? The helll you say???
I AM a grown up....?? Well, crap.

http://www.starfishblog.com/       Ok this is some of the prettiest jewelry ever! And Amber is so sweet!

The Hickman Four
Lovely family! Good Blog

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