June 29, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday!

Yay, it's my favorite day of the blogging week! :)


1. What was the last thing you searched for online?
 I was searching for new hairdo ideas. Well, a new hair cut to be more precise.  Want to see the ones I like? Sure you do! :)
 Here are my three favorites... What do you think?
 short hair cut Short Hair Cuts Ideas For 2011

2. If we visit your home state, what is one MUST we should do before leaving?
 Oh man, that's a good question! I would say go see a cowboy game.. or better yet go see the Champions of the NBA.. but I would say check out all the traditional tourst places and go to Austin!

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3. What do you think pharmaceutical companies should invent a pill for that isn't on the market yet? Hmm... don't they make pills for EVERYTHING nowadays! I just saw a commerical about something that can give you longer thicker eyelashes. I'm going to say they need to make a pill that would make would stop people from being TERRIBLE drivers or speaking before they think. I could use that last pill for sure.

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4. When was your first kiss? Was it good or bad? Hmm what kinda kiss are we talking about here? An innocent peck on the lips  or a full blown french kiss?   I was 13 I think. It was terrible. *hoping he doesnt read my blog* Sorry dude.

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5. What is your guilty pleasure tv show that you can not miss? True Blood, Dexter, Drop Dead Diva and anything with Tori and Dean!

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Question #4 is from Amber and Nadine

Question #5 is from Vandy

Ok gals and guys, it's your turn!  :)

Happy Wednesday!

June 28, 2011

Just a quick little review or two

I don't know if any of you readers have noticed but I love books! I love reading and if I get 5 minutes to myself I'll try to read a chapter of my current book.  One of my favorite series just released the latest novel. I was soooo excited. It came out last Tuesday and I've already finished it.

Smokin' Seventeen by Janet Evanovich.

I was so dissappointed. It felt rushed and I never laughed out loud like I have many times before. I hate when I have high hopes for a book and its not as good as I thought it would be. This novel really felt like it was pieced together from her other novels. Once I started One For the Money I fell in love with Evanovich's humor and Stephanie's crazy ways. I loved the love triangle and though I've always been a Ranger fan, I didn't mind Morelli scenes either. Seventeen books later and I could just scream. It's not even remotely funny anymore, Stephanie is so embarrassingly bad at her job that I just sigh when another 80 year old escapes her, and her Morelli/Ranger decision is snooze worthy. At this point, I don't care if she picks either one of them but I don't want to hear her talk about it anymore! There's just no progression. Stephanie has already admitted she loves Joe and they even moved into together at one point but once she moved out and back into Lonelyville with Rex the hamster, I've just been stifling the screams. The dialogue between these three could honestly be copy and pasted from book to book. And please, there was no cliffhanger in Seventeen. *SPOILER* Stephanie is taking Lula on the trip with her and the hemming and hawing will continue. So boring! I dont know if I'll bother with reading 18 when it comes out in November.

On the upside, three of my FAVORITE t.v. shows are back!!!

1.Drop Dead Diva on Lifetime. *Yay* I love the entire show!!!  For those of you that don't know what its about its a little tricky to explain but I'll try.. A vapid aspiring model killed in a car crash gets brought back to life as an intelligent, overweight lawyer, hoping to find the meaning of inner beauty and her place in the world....  Sounds dopey I know but it's cute funny quirk smart and theres a bit of romance and drama thrown in for good measure.
 It's a very charming show. Brooke Elliot is delightful to watch! She captures the flirty sorority girl trapped in a plus sized body with panache. The rest of the cast is delivers interesting performances and I really want to get to know them all. It will be interesting to watch the development of her guardian angel as he figures out life on earth. The court cases are interesting to observe. It's greatness!
Brooke Elliott - drop-dead-diva photo

2. True Blood. *sigh* I LOVED the books and the shows are a very adult spin on them. Alan Ball is a brilliant man! If you don't know about this show then you must live under a rock!

3. Weeds is back!!! LOVE this show. I'm very curious to see how its going to play out...
weeds season 7 poster Weeds Season 7 Plot Revealed!

What are you guys watching? Any one else love these shows?

June 24, 2011

Friday Confessional...


I confess....
My secrets aren't that juciy. The naughtiest thing going on over here is the fact I cheated. I cheated on my diet with a donut. Okay, that's a lie. I ate 4 donuts! I am soooo mad at myself. I'm not giving up though. I'll just have to do better. Still no soda not even a sip! 3 weeks now!!!

I confess....
I am so super sick of kid songs,kid music and singing kiddie songs. We don't listen to any of that at home. Unless Monkey's toys play it. I can't take anymore of it. So yes I listen to classic rock,oldies and the like with my son. He was dancing to Jimi and Stevie Ray Vaughn in the womb! ;)

I confess....

I love my job but some days are so craptastic I'm pretty sure Monkey will be an only child. Yea I said it. I do love those kids tho.

I confess...
I have a hot date to the movies tonight! I am super excited! :)

What do you have to confess? You can tell me I won't tell a soul.. ;)

June 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Sister!!!

Happy Birthday to the best kid sister ever! I am so proud of you and love you so much! I hope you have a great birthday!!!

Oh and I'm in on a blog hop!!!

June 22, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesdays

I wait all week for this! I <3 Wednesday!


I'm loving this weeks questions!! Good job Seriously Shawn!

Don't forget the rest of the lovely ladies that host this great day!! Stop by and show them some love!You know you wanna...

Janette, Implusive Addict, and Mamarazzi

1.What is the best or worst pick up line you have ever been given?  Oh man....seeing that I spent EVERY weekend for about a year or so in the clubs of downtown Dallas aka Deep Ellum, I have heard a LOT of these. The WORST one I've heard was "Nice shoes, wanna #@%*?" I'm serious! This guy actually said this to me! Oh, then there was a guy that said, "Wow you look like a redhead Christina Ricci." Seriously?!?!? How DRUNK was he?!

Case in Point...

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2.What is your most and least favorite day of the week? My favorite day of the week is probably Saturday! I get to sleep a little bit later. * We're talking 6:30 or 7am on Saturday compared to 5:15 or 5:30 during the week.* And I get to spend all day with Monkey! My least favorite day is probably Monday.

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3.How many hours of sleep do you require each night?  I have to have at least 5. In an ideal world, I could get 6-8 hours.
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4.Is there a song that takes you back in time? What song is it and what memory is it attached to? I have memories attached to just about any song! It's really hard to just pick one song!  *thinking thinking thinkg*  Oh! I got it!  I listened to this song while getting ready for my very first date with C.

5.What is your biggest guilty pleasure? Pedicures!!! But those are few and far between sadly! Money is tight with us right now so I feel guilty spending money on just me.
  *Disclaimer* These are not my feet. My feet are chubby...  :P

Thanks for reading today!  Feel free to leave me a comment with YOUR answers or just write your own blog and link up for pete's sake.  

June 17, 2011

Friday Confessional...


I confess....

I hate being on a diet!

I hate that it's Donuts for Dad today at the preschool.

I want a donut so FREAKING BAD!

I confess...
I know I'm being silly about the donuts, but then someones brought in TWO different types of cake.

I hate them now.

I confess...
I can't stop thinking about cake now....

Dieting is HARD!!!!  I've gone 2 weeks now without a soda and I am trying to make better food choices..I think I'm doing well.

I confess....
The best motivation for me is COMPLIMENTS!!


June 15, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday! Yay!


Brought to you by the lovely ladies; Janette, ShawnMamarazzi and Implusive Addict..

{1} You have been asked to give a 10 minute speech to teenage girls. What is it about? Oh I would say no. I can't stand teenagers. Really. I didn't like most of them when I was one.  If I couldn't refuse this generous offer then I would just encourage them to love themselves. I think a lot of girls,especially now, have self esteem issues. Then I would confuse them and tell them to put others*like the starving children of the world* ahead of themselves. Yes, that's it mixed messages for everyone!

{2} Do you have a pet? Tell us about them. No pets? Why? I have pets! I love animals and if I had the time space and money I would have more! As it is I feel my fur-babies are neglected. I have a 8 year old beagle named Ranger and a 3 almost 4 year old corgi named Rebel. Ranger is grumpy and spoiled rotten but I loved him! And well, Rebel is a rebel! She's very vocal and in your face but oh so sweet. She loves Monkey so much she sleeps by his bed EVERY NIGHT and has since we came home from the hospital.

{3} What is the biggest inconvenience about the place you’re currently living?  It's soooooooooooooooooooo far from work. We live in Garland and my work is in Allen. Boo! So if anyone knows of a budget friendly rent house in Plano, Allen, McKinney or near there, let me know!

{4} What do you think is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Oh, hands down, becoming a mommy! Monkey is the light of my life, my very heartbeat.

{5} What are the THREE "nevers" of your life? (things you would never do or have never done)  Everyone says, "never say never". I totally disagree. I will and do say never.

 I will NEVER sky dive! Are you kidding me?! I'm terrifed of accidently plunging to my death from a high point or airplane why on earth would I do it for kicks?!?!?!

I would NEVER swim with sharks on purpose. Um, yea who's bright idea is it to taunt sharks with dinner? Those metal cages people go under in are just lunch boxes for a shark. Why do people do that?!?!

I will NEVER shave my head. I've got a big funny shaped head.. I would NEVER shave my head on purpose.

What about you? :)

June 13, 2011

Sunday Funday!!!!

Sunday was Monkey's birthday Party!!! It was so fun! We held it a local Park and Sprayground. I'm so glad we did. Boy it was super hot out tho!

I feel so good about the party I thought I'd share some snapshots with you guys :)

June 11, 2011

too many things in 2 years

I don't know what it is about motherhood but ever since I joined the club time has flown by!!
There must be something about watching a child grow so rapidly that minutes, hours days tick by without much notice. Either that or your just so damned busy that you start on a Monday and before you know it, it's Friday and that weeks gone. 

So here's a few pictures of some of my favorite and not so favorite moments of Monkey's first two years...
the best two of my life thus far!

Day one