June 17, 2011

Friday Confessional...


I confess....

I hate being on a diet!

I hate that it's Donuts for Dad today at the preschool.

I want a donut so FREAKING BAD!

I confess...
I know I'm being silly about the donuts, but then someones brought in TWO different types of cake.

I hate them now.

I confess...
I can't stop thinking about cake now....

Dieting is HARD!!!!  I've gone 2 weeks now without a soda and I am trying to make better food choices..I think I'm doing well.

I confess....
The best motivation for me is COMPLIMENTS!!


1 comment:

Kellie said...

Yep, dieting sucks. I can't do it; if something is forbidden, it just makes me want it more.