July 13, 2011

We Want To Know Wednesday.


Ummm... Well, you guys all know how much I love this link up but there are some changes being made and I'm not sure how or whats going to happen to it.  Stay tuned for more. :)

We Want to Know Wednesday is co-hosted by the following ladies; Implusive Addict, Janette , Seriously Shawn and Mamarazzi

1. Which activities make you lose track of time? Like almost everyone else I lose complete track of time whenever I'm on the computer. I also lose track of time playing with Monkey or reading to him.

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2. Is there such a thing as perfect? I think everyone's view of perfection is different and even that has its own variables. The only perfection I know though is my kiddo.

3. When do you feel most like yourself? I feel most like myself when I'm with my son,with my family.It's my haven my safe place.
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4. Describe your life in a 6 word sentence. What a beautiful mess this is...   Go to fullsize image

5. Share one of your most beloved childhood memories. Oh man. I have a ton to choose from. I think one of my favorite stories to share is when I was in Elementary school and I lived in the STICKS. My cousin and I would go "hiking" through the "forest" near our houses. We were neighbors and it was awesome. My cousin Becca was so cool. She had New Kids on The Block posters covering her wall and a pet turtle that had a smiley face sticker on its shell. One day in these little wooded area, we found a coyote puppy. It was ADORABLE!!! I got it to follow me home and I brought it inside. I managed to convince my parents I could tame it and care for it. I can NOT believe they let me keep it. Anyways, the coyote pup ate a ton of ornaments off the Christmas tree and knocked it down. After that activity he ate four of my Barbies, one of my sisters baby dolls and the kitchen table legs. My parents had had enough and we set it free.

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I think I'm going to volunteer to co-host the link-up. I'll let you know if they want me! ;) Maybe that will help motivate me to blog more and better.

Happy Hump Day, ya'll!!!


Anonymous said...

Ha ha a lot of my memories seem to center around NKOTB posters too. LOL. Happy Wednesday.

VandyJ said...

I have good memories of hiking around the land we owned outside of town as a kid too. It's where I learned to cross-country ski.

Impulsive Addict said...

Completely agree with #1!

LOVE that pic of Monkey! So sweet and such a cutie!

LOVE your 6 word sentence. LOL!

THank you for linking up with us! I'm sure she'll be looking for a couple more co-hosts. Good luck!!


Mamarazzi said...

first of all the link party is not going ANYWHERE. I created it and chose the co hosts. Sadly IA is leaving us but the party and our friendship still remains...so fret not!

i am likely going to look for new co hosts, just not right now. I need to figure out what i need in a co host first. (:

what a beautiful mess this is... <3
love it love it!!

love the childhood story of the coyote..i think it is awesome that your parents allowed you to try "taming" it. adorable!!

thanks for linking up!!

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

I think we had a very similiar answer for our perfect.. cute lil Scouty and my lil peanuts.... or er' Muffin and Bubba....

No worries for the link party!! Keep comin' back girl!

Grumpy Grateful Mom said...

We also have a beautiful mess at my house...OK, maybe it's a beautiful BIG mess, but I still love it. :)