December 5, 2011

Life is hard sometimes....

I just wanted to let you guys know that I didn't forget about you. I know I teased about a blog post regarding my wreath re-do but life has gotten the better of me yet again..

(Not to sound all doom and gloom b/c I can't stand that..)

We have had some stressful situations arise in our household and will be looking for a new place and moving before Christmas.  Sadly, it's not by choice.

That being said I will not be able to devote much if any attention to the blog. i will get the wreath post to you asap and then I will take a break to house hunt and pack..

Oh, before I forget if you know of any rental houses or the like please pass on the info.

Thanks ever so much


Anonymous said...

I hope you find a place that's even better than your current home. Good luck!!!

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

Well that is sad.. what's the deal-e-o? There are a ton of places around to rent and maybe get you closer to the rest of society so you can par-take in more social gatherings!! hint hint! Mckinney is nice!!