December 31, 2011

2011 can kiss my butt!

2011 has been a rough year for my little family. I'm kinda glad it's over. Please don't take this to mean that there weren't any good times. There were quite a few but it feels like there were as many bad days as good....maybe more.

2012 is going to be a GREAT year for everyone!!

Oh and by the way, I completed my reading challenge!!

2011 Reading Challenge

2011 Reading Challenge

Jenna has

completed her goal of reading 100 books in 2011!


December 5, 2011

Life is hard sometimes....

I just wanted to let you guys know that I didn't forget about you. I know I teased about a blog post regarding my wreath re-do but life has gotten the better of me yet again..

(Not to sound all doom and gloom b/c I can't stand that..)

We have had some stressful situations arise in our household and will be looking for a new place and moving before Christmas.  Sadly, it's not by choice.

That being said I will not be able to devote much if any attention to the blog. i will get the wreath post to you asap and then I will take a break to house hunt and pack..

Oh, before I forget if you know of any rental houses or the like please pass on the info.

Thanks ever so much

November 28, 2011

By 5's

The wreath re-do it on hold for a few days. I don't have much time in the evening to craft. We've been having to sit with Scout until he falls asleep or he climbs out of bed crying.

So heres a fun little blog post to tide everyone over. :)

 Five Things.

5 Things you may not know about me:
1. I can not draw or cut a straight line with or without a rule. No matter what it will be crooked.
2. Our corgi Rebel was a rescue pup.
3. I love cooking and baking. I wish I were better at it.
4. I am a tad bit obsessed with bad/cheesy Christmas movies.
5, I have read Pride and Prejudice 11 times.

5 Things I'm knowledgeable about:
1. Books
2. Being a redhead
3.Child development. I'm not an expert but I know a lot of theories.
4. Craft projects. I know and have a million ideas
5. Scrabble. Wanna play?? :)

5 Things I know nothing about:
1. how the Internet really works
2. web design
3. Fashion. I know what I like and dislike but thats about it.
4. How to carry a tune.... Thank goodness my little ones love me anyway!
5. Nuclear Physics. Really.

5 Things I belive:
1. Sometimes it's okay to have cake for breakfast
2. Happy girls are the prettiest.
3. I don't have to wear make-up and wear business casual  attire to do my job. I rock my classroom in jeans. TYVM :)
4. You can never have too many shoes.
5. You should always have a book with you.

I was inspired to write this post by:  Mama's Losin' It

I'm linking up with the lovely

November 27, 2011

Wreath Re-do!

This wreath is old and no longer loved. Stay tuned for the make-over.

(here's a hint grey yarn and toliet paper rolls)

November 26, 2011

Christmas is Coming!!!!

Have you started to decortate yet? I've started in my classroom but not our home. I'll be taking down the fall/Thanksgiving decortations at home with weekend and then this coming weekend I'll decorate for Christmas. So in the meantime, what am I doing? I'm spending way to much time on pinterest pinning things I want to do.   I wanted to share them with you and maybe you can share your Christmas craft ideas with me. 
 I'll be sticking to our blue/silver/white, snowflake and snowmen theme for one more year. So keeping that in mind.....

Here's what has caught my eye

Stars from a Toilet Paper crafts for Christmas!I have a great idea using these, grey yarn and an old wreath! Stay tuned for that!

 wooden letter ornament - easy gift to put together, get inexpensive wooden letters from the craft store and modge-podge fun scrapbook paper on, add a hook and ribbon and voila!

USE LARGE LETTERS This would be a great gift!
love it!
 What a great way to re-use all the paper Monkey has scribbled on!!!

Def making these :)

 Scrabble and Christmas!!??? Be still my heart!

wreath. Looove buttons! okay this is adorable!!!

And for my classroom.. I'm loving these ideas..

Kid's names as Christmas lights to decorate classroom

Thumbprint Reindeer ornament. Kids names and ages on back.


I LOOOOVVVVEEEEEE pinterest! I have found sooo many wonderful ideas and I can't wait to get my craft on!

P.S. For those of you wondering how I am doing on the reading challenge, it's going really well!
div id="gr_challenge_2" style="border: 2px solid #EBE8D5; -moz-border-radius:10px; padding: 0px 7px 0px 7px; max-width:230px; min-height: 100px">

2011 Reading Challenge

2011 Reading Challenge

Jenna has

read 89 books toward her goal of 100 books.


November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday filled with lots of friends, family, and food!!!

Gobble Gobble!!!

November 7, 2011


I've been doing this on Facebook but I decided to bring it to my blog.
Everyday I'm posting something I'm thankful for as my status. Some are serious and some are funny. Here's what I have so far...

Day 1: Today I am thankful for my job. I may have bad days, I may wish I made more money but I get to be part of soooo many lives and that is worth it!
Day 2: I am thankful for the things I have and the things I do not have. The things I have let me know I'm doing okay and the things I don't inspire me to do better
Day 3: I am thankful for Monkey's insurance and the nice staff at Baylor.
Day 4: I am thankful for my parents. They raised me to be strong and kind.
Day 5: I am thankful for my friends,old and new,present and past. You have helped shape who I am today almost as much as my parents
Day 6: I am thankful for my son. He has change me and my life for the better. He brings sooo much joy and laughter to my soul. I cannot imagine my world without him. It would surely be a sad lonely life.
Day 7: Today I am thankful for coffee and muffins! Yummy breakfast!
Day 8: Today I am thankful for my best friend Melonie. We've been best friends since we were 13! Thats !^%$ years ago! Thank you Mel! I love you!
Day 9:. I am thankful for the wonderful ent and speach therapist that have helped my baby hear and speak. You have given me a great gift. I love hearing my little man talk. He has the sweetest voice.
Day 10:I am thankful for those few calm moments. The ones were for a brief moment I'm not worried about anything and there's peace and quiet. I'm thankful for those momets that allow me to center myself.

Day 11:: I am thankful for the Veterans that have served. There are not enough words to express how grateful we all are.

Day 12: I am thankful for the fact that I'm fairly healthy and sane. Fairly. Lol
Day 13:I'm thankful that I'm as stubborn as a mule. :-p
Day 14: I am thankful for yummy bbq.
Day 15: I am thankful for Tex-Mex.
Day 16: I am thankful for co-workers that will grab lunch for me since I don't have a car!
Day 17: I am thankful that I have a roof over my head. Our house may not impress you but it's home.
Day 18: I am thankful for people that strive everyday to make the world a better place. I truly hope that one day Monkey is that type of person.
Day 19: I am thankful my dad is a WONDERFUL grandfather to my little guy.
Day 20: I am thankful for my sister. She's always there for me.
Day 21: I am thankful for my puppies!
Day 22: I am thankful that I have a wonderful and pretty supportive family that loves me no matter what.
Day 23: I am thankful that after 2 years of unemployment C has been employeed for a year now!
Day 24: I am thankful for my family and this day spent with them.

I will come back and add to this list so stay tuned! :)

Manic Mother

October 31, 2011

This is Halloween!

Quick little picture post of my Halloween's as a parent. :) So far I've had 3 and they keep getting better and better.

On Monkey's first Halloween, he was 4 months old. I didn't dress him up,I didn't take him trick or treating. We stayed home and passed out candy and carved pumpkins. It was lovely.

Monkey's 2nd Halloween was more fun! We took him to a "Scare on the Square" were we went trick-or-treating in the stores. He was Captain America! He hated have the mask on his face... I don't have a picture of last years pumpkin.

This year we went back to the "Scare on the Square" and my sister abd her beautiful family met us up there. Monkey had so much fun trick-or-treating with his cousins.

We even took a picture in front of the same tree! Can we say family tradtion!? I'm already looking forward to next year!

Hope everyone else had a safe and happy Halloween. I'm off to eat some candy!

October 23, 2011

Fall Family Fun Day!

Remember this Fall fun List post? If not go read it and come back. I'll wait...

Done yet? Okay! Well, we actually did something on the list! Three somethings actually! I'm proud of myself!

On Saturday, my little family ventured out to Blase Family Farm. It was wonderful.

We fed cows,goats and sheep. They were so gentle and tame. I was worried Monkey was going to hurt them not the other way around.

After we fed the adorable animals. *Look at the fat little sheep!* We went and took pictures of the little guy while we waited for the hay ride!

He started singing "itsy bitsy spider in this picture. I'm guessing he's singing "down came the rain"... The hay ride was good. Not too long and not too short. We got to see their blueberry patch and I plan on picking blueberries come June. :) 

After the hayride C and I enjoyed hot dogs. There will be no pictures of me stuffing my face. (thank you verymuch) I took one of C...but I think he'd be mad if I posted it. So heres a picture of the hot dog Monkey
 refused to touch. I've never seen a kid that hates hot dogs like he does

After a yummy hot dog, it was pumpkin picking time! Monkey picked a pumpkin right away and refused to put it dow or look at any others. He's loyal like that. He kept saying "my pumpkin..right here my pumpkin. It was priceless. In fact the whole day was a great family day and something I will remember forever.

So we visited a pumpkin patch, went on a hayride and we took family pictures outside!
I LOVE fall!

October 20, 2011

Why I never...!

I'm totally stealing this idea from Krista at Powered by Mom Spit who got it from the link up at Mama's Losin' It.

I'm 20 *cough cough* years old and I've never...

1. traveled to another country.
2. skiled, water or snow.
3.  broken a bone * knock on wood*
4.  kissed a girl.

5.been to a Dallas Cowboy game or other nfl game
6. planted a garden.
7. been on tv
8.been formally engaged
9.nor have I been married.
10. been to Vegas.

11.bungee jumped.
12.nor sky drive
13. walked out of a movie.
14. been a part of a flash mob
15.been part of a protest.

What about you? What's something you've never done?

October 19, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday


Here are this week's questions and answers!

1. When was the last time you lost your temper? I really don't know. C could probably tell you. :P

2. What 3 words best describe you? Ummm... friendly, caring and nerdy. As much as I love talking about myself this was hard to answer. Probably because it was hard to pick only 3 words! ;P

3. What movie could you watch over and over again and never get tired of? Breakfast At Tiffany's. I LOVE that movie. Have you seen it?!?! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

4. If you could do something dangerous, just once, with no risk, what would you do? Roller Derby hands down. I love those tough chicks. I bruise like a peach tho.

5. Which is more important, intelligence or common sense? I'm going to go with common sense. Honestly though, is it really common sense when it seems like 85% percent of people don't have it!?

Hosted by: Mamarazzi, Queso and CrazyMama

I haven't done this in forever but I figured I'd give it a go again and see if it helps get me back into the habit of blogging more!

October 17, 2011

Reading Challenge Update

Book Challenge update!!    Are you guys still cheering me on?  Is anyone else doing a reading challenge?

2011 Reading Challenge

2011 Reading Challenge

Jenna has

read 74 books toward her goal of 100 books.


No red flags and Feetball!

I don't know how aware most of you are but we had Monkey's autism screening on Friday. I am so happy to say that they no longer see any red flags or warning signs. ECI (early childhood intervention) has been handling all of Monkey's therapies and they are wonderful. I get tears in my tears when I think of how much help they have been and what could have happened with my son had we not had them.  Monkey is still having speech and developmental(play) therapy twice a week. He is making great progress!!! His vocabulary has improved so much ! We are pretty confident that he will be completely caught up  by the time he turns 3!

I'm so glad that we got help as early as we did. I really believe it has made a huge difference.

For more information about Autism and Early Childhood Intervention click on the links below!

Autism Speaks


Disclaimer** This is all my opinion . **

Scout said the cutest thing this weekend. We were watching football (Don't even get me started on the Cowboy game. Ugh) and my little man pointed to the TV and said "Feetball, Daddy, Feetball!" lol