July 28, 2011

I've been featured!!!

Hi guys and gals! I have a wonderful friend and blogging cohort that has featured me and another blog in her weekly blogger friend2friend match up!

JJ's Friend 2 Friend

If you don't already follow Janette go do that now and read about yours truely.

Now you should go check out Ali's Blog.


Anonymous said...

Hey there!!

Here from Janette's blog-a-roo. Congrats on being featured!

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

Thrilled to have you apart of the weekly match up!! :) hugs!

Impulsive Addict said...

I'm stopping by from the lovely Janett's page! Congrats on being featured! She's so sweet!

Love the title of your blog! =)

Mrs. Match said...

Loved your feature on Janette's blog. You are so lucky for never having received an annoying comment. Really not one? I want to know your secret! I get them all the time. Comments like, "Hi I'm following your blog, now follow mine" where they don't really read the page at all. Ok now that I've rambled I'm probably your first annoying comment! Ha ;-)