July 10, 2010

18 random tidbits about me

1. Inside my purse, you’ll discover: My sunglasses, mint gum, a lesson play and a few random baby things.

2. My secret talent is: nothing I’d want to see in print!

3. If stranded on an island, the five things I could not live without are: Prescription sunglasses, sunblock and my boys

4. On my nightstand you’ll find: About a dozen books I’m either reading or re-reading my tea glass and a sippycup

5. When I grew up, I wanted to be: teacher or lawyer

6. My worst job: I've loved all of my jobs.. Really, some more than others.

7. My comfort food: ice cream, grilled cheese and pastas

8. Three songs on my IPOD’s most played list: On The Prowl by the Gossip
Sweetness by The Toadies and Edge of the Earth by Calhoun

9. The three books that make me think of my childhood:The Giving Tree, Anne of Green Gables and Superfudge

10.My favorite Chick Flick: I can't pic one...oh wait I can. Breakfast At Tiffany's

11.My favorite Chick Lit book: Good In Bed

12. My “must see” TV: How much time have you got? Dance You Ass Off, Drop Dead Diva, True Blood Big Love etc..

13. My Starbucks order: cooler weather white chocolate mocha extra hot near christmas peppermint hot chocolate. summer white chocolate mocha frap no whip

14. My favorite curse word: Fu@k

15 My celebrity man crush: Ryan Reynolds,

16. My celebrity girl crush: Sara Rue

17. My writer crush: don't really have one

18. My last meal before execution: Clearly, I would demand to be taken to an all-you-can-eat buffet…and then I’d just say, “Sorry, not done yet.” They’d never be able to kill me!

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