April 12, 2012

I'm alive... but not well

I know I've been absent from my blog and I'm sorry for going MIA yet again. I have had a upheaval in my personal life and I'm just trying to get through it. C and I have ended our relationship of almost 5 years. It's been hard. What's harder is that I am the bad guy. I'm not going to be very open about this but there it is. It's over. I'm a 30 year old single mother. This is so not where I thought I'd be. This are the card I've been handed and I'll do my best to play them well.

I hope everyone will understand my absence. I will hopefully be back to blogging soon but right now I don't have it in me.


Anonymous said...

Oh honey. I'm so sorry. I'd wondered where you'd gone off to. I hate to hear that you've been missing b/c of a personal crisis.

Of course, I know nothing about why your relationship ended, but I don't think you should call yourself the bad guy. It's always both parties' fault when a relationship goes under. You do NOT need to be taking all the blame. I'll be thinking about you.

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

I've sucked at blog hopping but always check in on you and wish you the best-- you and lil' S'ie and hope all works out. I'm just happy you can drive!! YAY!! If you need anything, a shoulder or place to vent, you can count on me! xoxo.