February 6, 2010

That's not a hooker, it's my 5 year old!!!

Seriously, I know a lot of bloggers are covering this. So here's my take...

Little girls should not dress like porn stars! Their jeans shouldn't look like they are painted on. Call me a prude if you want too but when
I have a daughter she will not look or act like Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears or a hooker. Miley and Noah Cyrus I'm looking at you. Where is your mother and aren't you out past your bedtime? Did you get your homework done?! My mom would have grounded me until I was 18 if I even thought about dressing and acting like some one these girls.

Miley Cyrus is a horrible role model for little girls. Yet I know so many watch her little tv show and movie and listen to her music. Noah is following in her skanky footsteps. Noah has "released" a lingerie line for kids. Seems like every time I hear about Noah Cyrus she's doing something totally inappropriate for her age.

Whether it's dressing like a dominatrix for Halloween, skipping around a pole-dancing pole or performing the totally un-PG hits 'Smack That' and 'Tik Tok', I suspect this nine-year-old could easily notch up more scandals than her big sis by the time she hits her teens.

Dear Billy Ray and "Tish" Cyrus,
Please buy Noah and EasyBake oven and stop letting her dress like this. She is your daughter not your meal ticket.

What's next stripper poles in a 8 year olds bedroom?! Seriously.

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