January 9, 2011


Wow, I haven't blogged since August 2010. I lost interest in this whole blogging thing. I mean really who is even reading my blog? My best friend and I beleive thats it. I don't know if I want to do this anymore. C doesn't want our business floating around in cyberspace. He's a private person like that. I liked blogging. Not sure if I do anymore. I'm also not sure what type of blog to have. I'm not very crafty and I'm really not that great of a writer. Let's just face facts. I'm kinda boring. I did make a resolution to see my friends more.... and to do things just for me and just for the heck of it tho. Maybe I should blog more as well.

1 comment:

Mommy Knee Deep in Laundry said...

glad it wasnt only me that quit for some time lol....just started back up today...