May 22, 2011

Let's Get Social!

It's that time of week again. :) I can't beleive 23 people actually follow my blog. :)  I want more tho. I'm greedy like that.

I follow back!  I'm also planning giveaways when I reach 50 followers and then again when I reach 100!! Help me get there!!


Amanda M. said...

Thanks for stopping by Confessions of a Marine Wife I'm following you back. If you want more followers I would suggest doing a bunch of blog hops.
I have one on my blog for Thursday and you can Link up starting at 9pmEST on Wednesday.
Good luck

Colie's Kitchen said...

Hi this is Nicole from Colie’s Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.