February 16, 2011


I am really behind on the 30 day blog challenge. Does anyone mind if I skip or combine them? Maybe condense them into a few sentences??          No? I didn't think so. Here goes nothing....   ;)

Day 3.. My parents. They are awesome! I am so blessed to have parents that love me so much.  My mom passed away and I miss her everyday. I wish she could meet her awesome grandkids. My dad is grumpy but we love him. He is the best pawpaw ever. Monkey loves him tons.

Day 4...What I ate today... Hmmm Not very healthy but... Breakfast 2 big cups of coffee and a fruit and grain bar
Lunch a chicken bacon Dijon lean pocket and a cookie. and dinner was a bowl from Genghis Grill with chicken shrimp scallops lots of veg some pineapple and brown rice with a Ginger Passion to drink :)

Day 5. My definition of love.. I can't even begin to define this. I didn't fully understand how big love could be until I had Monkey. Sometimes it feels like my body/heart can not contain it. I am completely over-whelmed by the love I have for him. Now, romantic love is completely different. The love I have for my guy is a constant fire. Sometimes the fire burns bright and strong;  I feel like it will burn me up and sometimes the fire smolders quietly keeping me warm and safe. His happiness means so very much to me. I love him so that I'd want him to be happy even if that meant being apart.

Stay tuned for tomorrow when I tell you about my day, my best friend and a favorite moment in my life.

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